Showing 1–12 of 120 results

Tradition, Resilience, and Beauty: Discover the Enchanting World of Kintsugi products

Our curated collection of kintsugi pieces showcases the versatility and artistry of this ancient art form. From delicate bowls and cups to majestic vases and sculptures, each piece is a testament to the creativity and skill of the artisans who have breathed life into these broken pieces.

2 000 VAT excl.

Bowls, Cup, Teapots

Turquoise blue tabi chawan

300 VAT excl.

Bowls, Cup, Teapots

Kintsugi white sandstone cup

250 VAT excl.

Extraordinary Kintsugi

Crystal vase Kintsugi

1 200 VAT excl.

Extraordinary Kintsugi

Heart shaped box Kintsugi

1 200 VAT excl.

Extraordinary Kintsugi

Blue kintsugi vase with Hermes dress

2 800 VAT excl.

Extraordinary Kintsugi

Blue kintsugi vase with Hermes silk

2 800 VAT excl.

Traditional Japanese Kintsugi

Blue Kintsugi vase

700 VAT excl.